Other Government Departments

Cabinet Office
We work in partnership with the Cabinet Office Going Forward into Employment team to provide prison leavers with a route into jobs within the Civil Service.
Ministry of Defence (MoD)
We work with the MoD to deliver workshops in prisons for the production and refurbishment of equipment used by service personnel, providing prisoners with transferable skills to support their readiness for employment on release.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Nationally, we work collaboratively with DWP’s National Employer and Partnership Team. This includes joint projects with employers who work with both the DWP and HMPPS.
At a local level, DWP Prison Work Coaches work closely with Prison Employment Leads to support people into work after release. They also ensure people access Universal Credit via job centres in the community.
Department for Education (DfE)
We have partnered with DfE to provide serving prisoners in open prisons access to apprenticeships. These offer industry-standard training and a direct route into work with leading employers on release.
The Third Sector
We are proud to work with a range of charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups. The Third Sector provides invaluable support to serving prisoners and prison leavers. This includes training and preparation for work whilst people are still in prison – and support to sustain employment in the community. We signpost employers that are partnered with HMPPS to these organisations.
Representatives from the Third Sector are also part of many Employment Advisory Boards. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Boards in shaping the employment offer in prisons.
Clinks is the sector body for criminal justice charities. It supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working with people in the criminal justice system and their families, and offers a Directory of Services listing hundreds of voluntary and community organisations which offer support, including employment. We meet regularly with Clinks to discuss how best to work with the voluntary sector.
Working Chance
Working Chance is the UK’s only employment charity solely for women with convictions. Working Chance support the women to develop the confidence, self-belief, and skills they need to succeed in the world of work and get their life on track while offering guidance on hiring people with convictions. We work closely with Working Chance to help improve employment outcomes for women.
Employers’ Forum For Reducing Reoffending
The Employers’ Forum For Reducing Reoffending (EFFRR) is an employer-led forum, which provides a network of business-to-business support for organisations recruiting prison leavers. The objective of EFFRR is to inspire as many employers as possible to consider employing prison leavers. We attend all EFFRR meetings and support its work. More information about EFFRR.